Nephritis is inflammation of the kidneys. Nephritis describes a condition in which the kidney’s tubules and nearby tissues become inflamed, which can lead to kidney damage.
When kidneys are damaged, they don’t work properly. Waste builds up and causes serious health problems. If the condition is severe enough, or lasts long enough, it can result in kidney failure.
What Is Eco-Neph?
Eco-Neph is a herbal remedy which treats problems associated with inflammation of the kidneys.
Why Whould I Buy This Product?
A medicine with a major role to play in the control of many problems of an acute and chronic nature related to the kidneys. For severe bladder and kidney disease. Blood, cramps, cystitis, nephritis and pain. For azoturia in horses.
Packages Sizes
Eco-Neph is available in a 50 ml bottle
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